Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Week 8, Thing 18

Week 8, Thing 18

Using online productivity tools is a real eye-opener. I like the idea of being able to save as HTML of pdf and being able to work on and offline. It is also pretty amazing that I can post from here to my blog, as I hope to be doing

at the end of this document after I try out a few of its bells and whistles.

Well, I tried out some of those bells and whistles and was able to post this to my blog-- yay! I really like how easy it was to use Zoho Writer. I can see using it as a tool to edit group work (either my own or my students'), and I can also use it with my yearbook girls over vacations, since half of us are PC and the other half Apple and our word processing programs can't always talk to each other. I wish I'd known about this productivity tool sooner!

1 comment:

mugwumplibrary2 said...

Beautiful picture. You're an ace at this!