Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Week 6, Thing 14

Several weeks have gone by since I've been able to work on the "things," so I was really looking forward to working on a new "thing." Technorati was interesting. I can see how I might use it so help find information on some topics. I typed in "fishing children of Ghana" and was rewarded with a blog that included a youtube video I'd like to use in class. I also checked out the 100 most popular blogs and felt a lack of interest in the first few pages' worth I scrolled through. Seems a lot of them were turbo-techie or 20-something sarcasm/sex sites. I don't know if I want my blog to get picked up by technorati, so I'm leaving that alone for now. I already have had people want to be my "friends" because of the classroom 2.0 badge. Right now, I don't feel like I have time for my realtime friends, much less cyberfriends.

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